"We've known each other six years," she said. "It's long past time formalities should've been
dropped between us -- in private."
This is from a conversation between Dr. Yueh and Jessica. Paul is fifteen at the beginning of Dune. This means Yueh and Jessica met when Paul was nine.
In the novel House Harkonnen, after Rhombur Vernius is severely injured in a sabotage by Harkonnen agents Dr. Yueh comes to perform cybernetic work on him. Jessica is present at Castle Caladan during this. Did they meet? We're not sure. This was before Paul was born, so 15 or so years ago from the time of Dune.
Later, in Winds of Dune, after Rhombur Vernius dies in another assassination attempt, Dr. Yueh enters the service of House Atreides permanently. This was when Paul was twelve, three years before the novel Dune.
Which means that somehow Dr. Yueh and Jessica have known each other for some time before Yueh joins House Atreides? How? Jessica lives with the Duke on Caladan. Another lazy continuity error? Seems so.
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